Tuesday, March 25, 2014

this is just to say...

this is just to say
i have planted the brassicas
that were in the greenhouse.
and which you were probably wondering about.
forgive me. they are so sweet and so cute in the field.

my, my, how march has nearly passed us by!
the broccoli and cabbage and peas are all surviving the fickle weather we continue to have.
new seeds are planted! flowers and carrots and radishes and potatoes!
and new starts are waiting for their turn to join the others!

there is a certain hope in the air as spring makes progress towards settling in.
there continues to be a dance to navigate with nature's mysterious rhythms.
i, too, am learning and growing alongside these teenage plants.

1 comment:

  1. I do love it!!! To look down the rows of newly turned earth with its green companions is a step back in time for me. Would really love to be in proximity and be able to purchase your garden produce this Spring and Summer.

    We love you.
